Thursday, November 13, 2008

My haiku poems

The passed few weeks we have been writing haiku poems. Haiku poems are Japanese poems. They are special because they always have three lines. Haikus use words to paint a picture. These are my haiku poems.

Friendship is special.
Friends are very nice and kind.
Friendship never ends.

Parrots are colourful.
Parrots love to squawk a lot.
I love you parrots.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

My free verse about: friends

This week we have been writing more free verse poems in class. Free verse poems have no structure,so you can write whatever you want. This is my free verse poem about friends.


Thank you for the years that have passed.
Our hearts have entwined , like two straight lines.
We will always come first, for togethness we thirst
You and I will never end.
Thank you special friend.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

MY free verse poem

This week we have been learning a free verse poem. A free verse poem is that you can write anything like : ryhming , onomatopoeia and adjectives.This is what I wrote :

Black, brown, beautiful bears,
found a key under a tree!
What's this they thought?
They poked the tree with the key.
''There's a hole," they said.
They put the key in the hole of
the tree.
Clank! They turned the key in the tree.
Eek! There was a door and there was a
They saw big,big pots of honey!
"We could sell this for lots of money!"
one of the bears said.
"No!" said another!
"Otherwise,what are we going to eat!"said another.
So they decided to keep the honey.
The black, brown bears hid the key under the tree
so they had some honey when they were hungry.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

MY Onamateopoea Poem

This week we have been learning about onamateopoea . Onamateopoea is a word that makes a sound like crash, bang and smash. This is my poem with onamateopoea in it .


The students jump up from their seats and run our the door.
They get their lunch boxes out and open the lids.
The students finish lunch and run around the corner.
Thud, Thud, Thud!
They put their lunch boxes away in their bags.
Then suddenly the boys handball runs away into the grass!
Rumble, Rumble, Rumble!
One girl picks up the handball and runs with it!
She throws the handball! Piow!
One of the boy catches it.
A good game.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

A network of friends

This week we did a aristic poem.

F un,friendly
R ight,responsible
I nteresting,intellgent
E xciting,exceptional
N ice,natural

Thursday, October 9, 2008

In term 4.

This is a new term-term 4.
In this term we are doing constructions and all different kinds of stuff.

This week we have been doing:

Swimming- We had just started to do swimming.The first lesson was great!

Construction- We made a building out of straws. It was great fun!

Maths- We learned our 9 times tables at school.


Thursday, August 14, 2008


I don't like bullying because when you bully someone it hurts them. I got bullied in year 1, Two boys went after me and took my hat and then nearly choked me. In year 2 my teacher stopped the bullying. I HATE BULLYING! If people stopped bulling,that would change Australia and the WORLD.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

The Olympic Games

I am very excited about the Olympic Games starting on the 8/8/08. In class, we learnt about the Olympic Games in homework. In homework for the Olympic Games we learnt about the A.S.P.I.R.E values of the Australian Olympic team.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

I am a student in year four at a school in Australia. My name is Catherine. I love playing with my sister, playing on the computer and with my Nintendo. I have just had school holidays.

I would like to be a pet shop owner because my sister wants to be a vet,
and she wants to get pet food for free!

At school my goals are to improve in recorder and in maths basic facts.

Thanks for reading about ME!!!